Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Graduation Tragedy

At the age of six, I was only on kindergarten wherein now at that age you could be on the primary level. By that time, schooling for me is lots of fun. Why not? You have nothing to do but read and write, sing & dance and make friends. I'm the apple of the eye of everyone in the family. It pleases me to know that I am their favorite. They loved me very much. I please not only my father & mother, but I'm also a star for my grandparents. My grandfather used to hugged me, kissed me and pinched my nose. He also gave me coins which I really loved. A single peso from him will give me happiness. Surely, he is the best; but I terribly misses him. Month before my graduation, he passed away. He died in the hands of merciless people. In the eyes of the child, seeing him with blood is morbid. In the mind of the child, it will be a haunting nightmare. In the heart of the child, it is a torture. And I am that child. How could I taste the sweetness of little success if a part of it has been already taken? How could I accept that the ribbon I received is a ribbon for the dead?
His kindness and memories were all to remain...
On the next graduation I topped in the class yet the last year event has brought all the sorrow. On elementary graduation, I am the valedictorian yet the six years of forgetting the pain wasn't enough. In high school, I graduated with flying colors yet another four years of hardships cannot erase the smear of past. Now, one more year and another graduation will come. For fourteen years, I'm almost over grief but it was replaced by worry. Losing my grandmother is one of my greatest fear. The words she has spoken to me seriously makes me afraid and worried:"My child, each day I'm getting weaker and weaker. Mere walking is already a sacrifice. Soon, I'll be resting with your grandfather." Will the coming graduation bring me almost the same tragedy? Is the worst yet to come? Will fate play the same game against me? Let's hope not; I hope not and pray hard. On my graduation day I don't want my tears to play its part for mourning. If I'll cry, it will be for joy and thanksgiving. I want my family to be complete, because for me, success alone is another failure.........


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