Monday, September 21, 2009

Advertise with my Blog

Paid reviews

Now I'm back to earning online and here's the latest one where I've just signed up: LinkfromBlog

Don't have an account yet? You may create one right now! Here's how:

1. Sign up.

2. Activate your account by clicking the link on your confirmation email. Sign in using your username and password.

3. Complete all the registration information required.

4. Once you have completed the registration process, click on ADD blog.

5. Fill up the form to add your blog. Activate your blog by following the steps on "Blog Activation" page. It is as simple as writing a post like this with your own referral/affiliate link and an invisible counter.

6. After posting a blog entry about LinkfromBlog, go back to the activation page and input the URL of your post. You may click ACTIVATE!

Your blog will be activated in about a day after sending permanent URL for our moderators.


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