Sunday, September 06, 2009

I first started with Adgitize as a publisher. But then after reviewing all the benefits and doing the compare and contrast method, I decided to be an advertiser as well.

Here are my new perks:

And I am earning more per day. As an adverstiser, it is easier to reach the minimum payout. Yes, I invested $14 good for 31 days. It's like paying $0.47 daily for my Ads to run in their network but at the same time I am earning $0.70 per day as an advertiser/publisher/affiliate all in one! So I am about to earn $21 per month or greater. It actually depends on the earned points per day but with my current blog performance and blogger attitude, I know I can make it!

My August report is not that consistent since my earnings ranges from $0.40 - $0.70 daily. But hey, I still manage to hit the payout for only 20 days! There are 10 more days for me to earn more.

My Promising Earnings:

For more information about Adgitize, kindly check my previous post:

Getting Started with Adgitize

I am sharing these earning tips so let's earn together!


Curious Minds said...

Wow, that's great! How do you reach 70cents in a day? My most is 65 cents. thanks!!


edison said...

hello! thanks for dropping by to my new blog..i am interested to your post about earning by blog..expect me here most of the times..

Liz said...

Welcome COE. Enjoy earning. See yah! ^_^

redamethyst said...

congrats! and more money to come. hehehe

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