Friday, November 20, 2009

Finally, I don't have to go far yet to attend financial seminars. Though, I still wish to attend those other Internet Marketing symposium and one more from Create Abundance 2010.

This will focus on emphasizing the importance of having the right financial mindset before starting one’s journey to financial independence. It will provide information on basic financial concepts and tools for managing personal finance effectively through proper planning, wise spending, saving and investing.

Don't worry, I'll share what I'll learn! Stay tuned!


flipnomad said...

i wanna learn too hehehe

ritz said...

hi liz, I read you comment in my brothers blog ^^ his not sis, his a bro! hahahha

Paula said...

Oh, Mr. Colayco is my idol and I have read his books from cover to cover. Hopefully, I can also see him in person and attend his seminar one of these days.
I hope you come by and visit my blog too. :)

Liz said...

@ Ritz. Yeah. Haha. I stand corrected. LOL. Thank you guys!

@ Paula
Just dropped by at your blog. :)

@ Flipnomad
Stay tuned, im still editing the power point presentation. Haha.

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