Saturday, December 25, 2010
Greetings from BHO! Enjoy your holidays!
Watch out for my upcoming contests... In less than a month, I'll be celebrating my birthday again. Yay! See you around!
Labels: Christmas
Thursday, December 23, 2010

LunarraStar Jewellery necklace
Fruity Lashes package
Burberry Beauty Lip Charm
Swarovski Heart Love Pearl Necklace
I was not able to update BHO daily because I am busy with work, both online and offline. Also, the holiday season makes me busier. Talk about shopping and partying!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Labels: Blogsvertise, Earn More, Earning Online
Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec. 18, 2010 Saturday 9:00AM to 12:00NN
INVESTability: Mutual Funds
Social Hall, 7th Fl. Citystate Centre Condominium 709 Shaw Blvd., Pasig City
Regular Learning Fee: Php2000
Who: Ideal for those who are considering investing in mutual funds and would like an unbiased view of the pros and cons of investing in mutual funds in lay-mans terms.
Why: Mutual Funds are considered the greatest democratizer of investment instruments. You can start investing for Php5000. But since it is not common knowledge, many people are skeptical.
December 28, 2010, 1:00-5:00PM
Pera Mo! Palaguin Mo! Workshop
Social Hall, 7th Floor, Citystate Center Condominium 709 Shaw Blvd., Pasig City
Regular Learning Fee: Php2000
Who: Ideal for those who are serious about taking control of their personal lives by preparing their own financial plan to be wealthy.
Why: This workshop will equip you with the the skills to make your own Financial Plan to be Wealthy. It will also equip you with the right Investing Mindset. Armed with these, you will be on your way to financial independence.
Note: By any means, I am not related to Colayco Foundation and to any of its affiliates. I'm posting this not to promote their products and services but mainly for public awareness. I've attended their Personal Finance Management Seminar before and I find it very helpful.
Image source:
Thursday, December 09, 2010
I was not able to post this payment proof right away because I was running out of time. Needless to say, I am so happy about it and still satisfied with the service. Thank you Adgitize!
Labels: Adgitize, Payment Proof
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
It took me several hours to figure out where it is coming from. I only have few Ad blocks here and I trust each of them because they've been there for so long. Or maybe, this issue just came to my attention too late.
The advertising networks present in this blog are:
1. Adgitize
2. Entrecard
3. Bidvertiser
Once again, I did not suspect any of them. The first thing that I've taken out while trying to isolate the issue is the Christmas Countdown Widget. Next is Chatbox. But then the hyperpromote pop up is still there.
I have no issues with Adgitize and Entrecard on my other blogs. The only difference between this blogspot blog to my self-hosted blogs in terms of advertising networks is BIDVERTISER. And this is the only one which is suffering from that pop up. I contact Bidvertiser support to verify if the pop up is coming from them. I mentioned hyperpromote on my support ticket but they did not directly reply to that question and emailed me instead:
You can disable pop ups by managing your account and changing your Preference.

There you go! I disabled the pop up ads by switching the radio button to NO.
Are you still getting hyperpromote pop ups in this blog? Is your blog giving you the same random pop up? Check the advertisers's codes on your blog and you should be able to point it out.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Welcome to Smart Bro Fun Free Fifteen Promo! Your free 15 minutes for today have been credited already. Pls maintain at least P1 load to enjoy your freebie.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Have you tried Adgitize monster ads? How's your experience?
Labels: Adgitize
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Labels: Website Review
Friday, November 12, 2010
Creative Asia Photography Awards 2011: Calling All Wedding and Portrait Photographers!
1 comments Posted by Liz at 4:18 PM
Here are the categories of the said competition:
Wedding Categories
Bride & Groom Together
Bride or Groom Alone
Bridal Party
Portrait Categories
The 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners per category will receive a Canon Creative Asia Awards trophy.
The Wedding & Portrait Photographers of the Year will receive a Canon EOS 5D MK II!
For competition rules, criteria for judging and selection process, click here -> The Creative Asia Competition Rules
Labels: Contests
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Dear Blogger,We truly apologize was the inconvenience due to us. Actually some hackers hack blogerzoom & posted a script in our server due to which our site was redirected to other site & we were unaware of it, as soon as we come to know from our bloggers then we contacted to our hosting company (hostgator) to get it done, eventually they permanently resolved it. Now you won't be able to see any kind of redirection & popups in our site.
Thank you for your moral support & kindness.
Please let us know if you experience any kind of problems in future.
Thanks & Regards
Blogerzoom team
"Now you won't be able to see any kind of redirection & popups in our site."
Come to think of it, this email does not address the issue. The redirection and pop ups are present in this site and other sites that are listed in Blogerzoom's directory, not on theirs. Oh well, how would I know if their site is affected, too? I'm not their fan.
Bottom line, this email is just a lame excuse! And oh, their English! Hope it gets better...
Labels: Traffic Exchange, Warning
Monday, November 08, 2010

Labels: Adgitize, Earn More, Earning Online
Sunday, November 07, 2010
I was really worried after reading her text message so I hurriedly check this site. True enough, I immediately see the pop up she's referring to:

Suddenly, I was so disappointed with Well, it's an Indian company so I am not expecting much from them. I'm not saying this to discriminate them. I'm just really upset.
Blogerzoom offers lots of SEO services and free submission to their directory listings is just one strategy to get more members or at least visitors. I had no negative experience with all the directories I had my blogs listed in the past. Unfortunately, blogerzoom ruined that lucky streak.
I've just removed their code on my sidebar under Top Directories widget. I did not expect that their iframe codes will result to flash advertisement that will cover my whole blog. It's not webpage redirection though. Blogerzoom page was overriding my blog so you'll have no choice but to click on that layer. Come to think of it, the code makes use of iframe instead of the usual image source and link. I should have been suspicious before. Oh well, I learned my lesson. I was able to figure it out easily, too because I just recently submitted my site to their directory and my memory still serves me right. If you wish to submit your sites to free directories, be wary of the codes generated before pasting it to your sites.
Labels: Traffic Exchange, Warning
Saturday, November 06, 2010

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Thanks to CitisecOnline for making this market briefing possible. Big thanks to the following people as well:
Atty. Val Antonio B. Suarez
PSE President and Chief Executive Officer
Market Overview:
April Lee-Tan, CFA
Head of Reasearch,
Mr. Luis S. Reyes, Jr.
SVP for Investor Relations and Corporate Planning
Banco De Oro Unibank, Inc.
Mr. David Nicol
Chief Financial Officer
Metro Pacific Investments Corp.
Mr. Rafael Jose Consing, Jr.
Vice President and Treasurer
International Container Terminal Services, Inc.
Dr. Victor Limlingan
Managing Director
DMCI Holdings, Inc.
Mr. Kingson Sian
Director and President
Alliance Global Group, Inc.
More details and images here: Riding The Bull Market – The 2010 CitisecOnline October Market Briefing
Labels: Personal Finance Management, Seminar
Friday, October 29, 2010
FYI: Current jackpot prize for the Grand Lotto is Php 272,438,161.20 (roughly $6 486 622.89)!

You can get started here: Invest Now, Be A Multimillionaire in the Next 10-20 Years
Labels: Forex, Personal Finance Management
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Ping your site to let the search engines know that you have just updated it. Use Ping-O-Matic for search engine-driven traffic:
Labels: SEO, Traffic Exchange
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
COMELEC's website is DOWN when you need it the most! Welcome to the Philippines:
Thanks to GMA News, at least I have an idea about election updates. Including violence and disorders though.
Sadly, this statement still holds true: Iba na ngayon, down pa rin ngayon...
Saturday, October 23, 2010

If you know someone who is a CitisecOnline customer and haven't registered yet, let them register you as a guest! If the registration is already full, don't worry. You may attend other free seminars at the COL Training Center, 24F East Tower, PSE Centre, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City.
Visit M3O: Make More Money Online for more details.
Labels: Stock Market
Thursday, October 21, 2010

I am not just trying my luck here, I am actually doing my best for my sites to get accepted in this highly ranked directory.
Here's how you can add your website or your blog to DMOZ Open Directory:
1. Check if your site is appropriate for submission to the Open Directory Project.
Unlike search engines, ODP is highly selective and does not accept all sites. There is even automatic rejection for mirror sites or sites that redirect to another address. They are even more strict to affiliate sites, get paid to surf links, or MLM (Multi-level Marketing). Complete list of requirements can be found in the submissions page: Suggest a URL for DMOZ
2. Verify if the site is already listed or not. They don't allow duplicate submission.
3. Choose the best category for your site.
I just made two submissions:
M3O: Make More Money Online to
4. After selecting the the best category for your site, click "Suggest URL" at the upper right hand corner of the webpage. You have to fill up the submission form with the required information. As for site description, limit it to 20-30 words and avoid promotional spiels.
Note from DMOZ:
Some categories do not have "suggest URL" or "update URL" links. These categories don't accept submissions, so you should find a more specific category for your site.
What are the benefits of being listed in the DMOZ ODP:
- good backlink, DMOZ is PR8
- get listed to partners sites such as AOL Search, Google, Netscape Search, Yahoo Search, and hundreds of other sites
Labels: Blogger Tools, Blogging, Directory Listing
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Obviously a SPAM, or should I say scam? I don't even have any account with Bank of America.
And what about the generic greetings? Companies should be guided by business etiquette - address your customers properly.
There are grammatical and typographical errors, too! (didn't completed?! cerification?!)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Spread the W.O.R.D (SWORD) can't campaign that much for this advocacy since I'm transferring it to a new host. Because of that, I created a new blog exclusively for charity purposes.
I'll be working hard for this one and income that will be generated by this blog will be donated to different organizations I'm supporting.
From Lending a Helping Hand:
Kythe is derived from a Scottish word “kayth” which means healing through simple sharing and togetherness.
It utilizes Patch Adam’s approach – incorporating laughter and bringing humor to patients/children for them to live a quality life.
Kythe gives children a semblance of normal childhood.
Services provided: (PETAL)
- Preparation
- Education
- Therapeutic Play
- Assistance during medical procedures
- Lend emotional Support
I've been blogging for a cause so it's about time to consolidate them in one online journal. Meanwhile, SWORD will still help in spreading the word since it has higher PR. It has broader subject and target market compared to Share and Care Club.
Check the links above to know how you can extend your support either by being a donor or volunteer!
Labels: Campaign
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grand Winner
- Php 5,000.00 Powerbooks Gift certificates
- Powerbooks Gift Pack
1st Runner up
- Php 3,000.00 Powerbooks Gift certificates
- Powerbooks Gift Pack
2nd Runner up
- Php 2,000.00 Powerbooks Gift certificates
- Powerbooks Gift Pack
How to join:
1. The cosplay contest is open to all event attendees of the PowerBall happening on October 23, 2010 at Powerbooks Greenbelt.
2. The cosplay contest will focus on your favorite literary or graphic novel character.
3. To enter the contest, a cosplayer must register during the day of the event.
4. The number of cosplay contestants is limited to thirty (30). There is a set deadline for the Cosplay registration, which will be at 3:00PM.
5. Cosplay contestants are required to register wearing their full costume. All registrations shall be treated on a first-come, first-served basis.
6. The first ten (10) cosplayers who will join in cosplay contest shall receive special tokens from Powerbooks.
Contest Schedule:
October 23 @ Powerbooks Greenbelt
2:00 pm – Start of registration
3:00 pm – End of Registration
4:30 pm – Scheduled Cosplay Catwalk onstage.
4:50 pm – Voting
6:30 pm – Awarding and announcement of Cosplay Winners
Cosplayers will be awarded based on the total number of votes they garnered from the audience, special guests and Powerbooks representatives.
For contest updates, visit Facebook Fan Page.
Labels: Contests
Friday, October 08, 2010
Here's how to add funds to your CitisecOnline account via BPI:

1. Log on to
2. Enter your username and password
3. Under Payments & Reloading, click Bills Payments, click Enroll all other Bills
4. Enter your BPI account number and Joint Account Indicator No.
5. Under Bill information, select CITISECONLINE.COM INC. (COL) as the enrollee merchant
6. Enter your CitisecOnline account number (8-digit code username) on the space under Reference Number
7. Click Submit
Payment Process:
1. Under Payments & Reloading, click Bills Payment, click Pay Bills Today
2. Under Pay, choose your CitisecOnline Account
3. Enter the amount
4. Choose a BPI account from where payment will come from
Click Submit
* You should receive a confirmation email from BPI if payment was successful. Forward the confirmation email to deposits(AT)citiseconline(DOT)com
Check the FAQ section for more details.
Labels: CitisecOnline, Stock Market
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Online Colleges and Universities
Flexibility and accessibility are the two primary advantages of an online degree program. You can choose schedules or log on to complete assignments, upload class projects or interact with your teacher when you need to. The format and schedule for online classes tends to be less rigid than on-campus class schedules, where teachers and students have to be present at the same place and time.
Attending college online also breaks down the geographic barriers because you do not have to move to attend the college or university you want to earn your degree from. This means you can live in one area and attend class clear across the country.
Campus Colleges and Universities
College and university campuses allow for face-to-face and social interaction that is different than online classes. Some education experts argue that part of attending college is the in-person interaction student’s gain from each other and their teachers. This is part of the socialization process as much as it is an educational one. In addition, colleges and universities offer activities, programs and club that extend beyond the classroom, which is something that online colleges and universities cannot offer students.
As far as cost is concerned, online learning institutions can be more cost effective. Foremost, because the programs tend to be shorter than on-campus programs, and secondly because many of the online colleges are universities do not have a physical campus, so overhead expenses are much less than those educational institutions running huge facilities and campuses.
When it comes your education, make an educated decision about what will work best for you.
Labels: Education
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Relax. Calm down and follow the prompts to have your blog restored.
When Bloguardian Hellsite: Overcashed was deleted, I tried so hard not to cry. I was in great pain and depression. Losing a blog is worse than losing its page rank. What hurts even more is the fact that I am not guilty. My blog was not a SPAM!
Even if my mind was hazy and confused, I still consulted Google for solution. I've found the answer at Blogger forum. Ironic. I was seeking help from someone who had just let me down! But it's worth it since my blog was restored. Though it was a negative experience, I am still happy and thankful with the result.
This is actually an outdated post, I was not able to provide the complete details about it on my old post at Pinkville: Pink and Magic Convergence Zone. The images below will tell you why. Nonetheless, I am still sharing this to everyone. My friend's blog just got deleted for the same reason - SPLOG (spam blog) even though it's not.
Here are the three surefire steps to restore your deleted blogspot blogs (provided that it is really not a spam!):
1. Click the RESTORE link on your Blogger dashboard. You will be redirected to a page like this:
Take note of the date.

2. Submit your URL to SPAM APPEALS spreadsheet for another blog review. You can only do this if you're done with the first "unlock" request (See STEP1).

3. Post a report on Something Is Broken board in the Blogger forum about your deleted blog stating what you've done so far and the dates when you did those steps. Don't hijack other people's thread so you must start a new discussion. Take a look at what I've posted.

You have to be patient and be reasonable. If you want to get help, help yourself first.
I made consistent follow ups about my case and I even filed a new appeal right after escalating it.

Remember that the first and most important step to avoid blog deletion is complying to Blogger's policies:
- Blogger Content Policy
- Google Privacy Policy
- Google Terms of Service
Labels: Blogger Tools, Blogging, Site Promotion, Spam Blog
Sunday, September 26, 2010

In today's world, families are often pulled in multiple directions. Being stressed has become the norm, since most people face demands from work, family, social activities, and more. To combat this, most people end up trying some form of stress reduction. Unfortunately, many common forms of stress reduction are just ways of masking the symptoms of stress. Watching television, taking prescription drugs, and drinking alcohol are just a few of the ways that people escape stress. Over indulgence in these stress reducers can lead to problems that jeopardize the health and safety of your children. However, activities like yoga can actually reduce stress in a safe and healthy way.
Finding A Yoga Studio
If you've ever been on a website with affiliate program reviews, you know how eager some people can be to promote their product or service. The Internet is a great way to find information on yoga studios in your area. You might also get word-of-mouth reviews from people you know. When looking for a yoga studio, ask around. Chances are that some of your friends have tried or heard about a good studio or yoga teacher. When you find a studio or gym you want to try, be sure to ask about the classes that are offered. Some yoga classes are advanced, and not all studios are family-friendly. If you live in a part of the country with a warm climate, you might even find outdoor yoga classes.
Labels: Health

While slips and falls account for many injuries inside the home, both over-the-counter and prescription drugs are also dangerous. For small children, the attractive colors and packaging of some medicines can be extremely appealing. Let's face it; some children will eat anything. Older children like to experiment or could have depression issues that they are trying to self-treat. Abuse of both over-the-counter and prescription medications is on the rise. Make sure that you secure all medications and keep the poison control center's number handy.
Car safety is another big issue. While we worry about those long trips, most accidents happen within a few miles of home. This could be due to being over-confident on our home turf, or it could be because we're always worrying about day-to-day responsibilities. Try to be aware of the traffic and road conditions at all times, always wear your seat belt, and cover yourself with good car insurance. If you've let your coverage lapse, don't forget to get a few auto insurance quotes for a good price.
Make sure you protect your personal information offline, too. Identity theft is on the rise in real life just like it is on the internet. Shred all of your financial documents, and pay attention to who's looking over your shoulder at the ATM machine. While using your debit or credit card, look for anything unusual before inserting your card. Many scammers insert a tiny device in the slots at gas pumps and ATM machines to record your personal information.
Labels: Internet
Saturday, September 25, 2010

We know the goal isn't to win, but honestly, is it really fun for everyone when one or two experts at a particular game always trounce other family members soundly week after week? You probably also have to contend with your kids each clamoring for their particular favorite game to be the game of choice each week. How do you choose even a video game that everyone will enjoy?
One of the best solutions is to download games the whole family will enjoy. One of the biggest advantages to this approach is the constant availability of new and challenging games that can satisfy the whole family. Your family fun night can begin with the whole family choosing a new game to download. When playing the a new game you've downloaded, you'll also even the playing field, with everyone starting at the same skill level, which keeps the competition a friendly, fun, learning experience everyone can enjoy.
Labels: Games, Online Game
Friday, September 24, 2010

Many people use a pool start-up kit when they first acquire a swimming pool, but then maintenance falls by the wayside as time continues. Keeping track of the chemical balance in the swimming pool is always important. Levels of bromine, chlorine and PH all have an effect on the look, smell and safety of the pool water. Keeping everything within proper range will ensure that bacteria levels do not rise out of control. When bacteria levels in swimming pools get even slightly out of whack, people can become sick. E Coli, rhinoviruses and gastroenteritis can all thrive in environments where chemical imbalances occur.
Proper chemicals are available at stores where pool supplies are found. In addition to bromine and chlorine, you will also find algaecide, alkaline additives, and other pertinent pool chemicals. Testing kits are also available, usually in the dip strip form. These kits allow you to test the levels of individual chemicals as well as the water quality. Most tests are color based and enable you to hold the strip up to a chart for an instantaneous readout of the chemical level. Based on applicable levels, you can then add the correct stabilizers to even out the condition of the pool water. Keeping your pool family-friendly doesn’t need to be complicated or time consuming.
Labels: Home and Garden
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Labels: Odesk
Monday, September 20, 2010
Most women would consider her handbag not only a functional necessity but also a sacred object that contains all the vital things required. More than simply toting around our cash and credit cards, our purse contains the truly essential items: lipstick, dental floss (for that errant piece of black pepper that we DO NOT want to walk around with in our teeth), business cards (network, network, network!), scrap paper and pen, a nail file, tampons, and of course the all-important cell phone. We may even carry our new iPad in our purse. Soon, we'll just empty out the contents of our brains into our bags and be done with it.
Then there's the fashion element; everyday handbags say more about the woman who carries it than her clothing — it may be a casual day or a gym day or a just-throw-something-on day, so clothing isn't always representative of style. But a nice bag . . . well that's something that looks good even without makeup or freshly washed hair. Also, we tend to carry the same handbag with every outfit, because let's face it: it's too much trouble to transfer the "kitchen sink" into another bag.
A handbag should match a woman's lifestyle. If you are on the go a lot, you need a purse that will go with you, one with plenty of room. If you have young children, you may need a handbag that doubles as a diaper bag. Women spend an amazing amount on their handbags, way more than they would consider spending on one item of clothing. A classic full size Chanel purse will easily run you over two thousand dollars. But it will last practically forever.
So it appears that a woman's handbag can be almost an extension of who she is — and is way more than merely a bag.
Labels: Fashion
Friday, September 10, 2010
Anyway, let's get back to business. What's with the title? Here:

I have so many blogs and Pinkville is the most personal one so I posted it there. I'm still on Day 04 but I'm very confident that I'll make it 'til the end of September!
Come on guys, challenge yourselves! We can do it! Just click the banner above to join The 30-Day Challenge!
Labels: Blogging
Thursday, September 02, 2010
With bond values, the face value remains the same regardless of the interest rate. The face value is the principal, or the original amount, you invested when you purchased the bond. The face value also indicates whether or a not a bond is selling at a premium amount, which means the bond values are higher than the principal amount. Discounted munis mean the seller is letting the bond go for less than the principal investment.
While many bonds have a set interest rate and pay investors the earned interest on a semi-annual basis, there are other types of bonds. Floating rate bonds and zero coupon bonds can affect bond values because the interest rates fluctuate based on predetermined benchmark interest rate indexes. With zero coupon bonds, you don't receive a payment until the bond matures, at which point you get the face value plus any compounded interest.
Since bond values may change based on the interest rate, you may want to use online resources to track future values. Online bond values calculators allow you to enter the information for a specific bond into the template in order to get an estimated value. If you have an idea of the factors affecting the value, this can be a quick way to determine the value. Some investors also use bond indices to determine the yield, duration, and final value for a bond.
Labels: Bond
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Among the popular items shopped online are electronic gadgets, beauty products, car accessories, clothing, jewelries and office needs. However, not all products are on sale on specific dates. One good practice to take advantage of discounts is through coupon or promo codes. Using coupon codes is easy. Sometimes, you have to simply click on the link for it to be reflected on the shopping cart. You may also manually type the provided codes before checking out once you've placed your order.
If you wish to get extra 20% off on lamp or furniture orders, Kmart coupons can do the trick! Plenty of discounts can be overwhelming especially if you are on a tight budget. You won't believe the amazing items that you can possibly buy at discounted prizes! Halloween sale is just around the corner but you can also purchase other featured products. There are also coupon codes for free shipping! Convenience and satisfaction are just coupon codes away, right?
Labels: Coupon Codes, Promo
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Labels: Blogging, Blogsvertise, Payoneer
Monday, August 23, 2010
Pictures, not altered are undeniably valid evidence. Photos on it's raw form can speak for me alone. So here I am, aspiring to be professional photographer. I'd like to gather more supporting documents. I'd like to expose what is unseen. I'll dig what is hidden.

Join me and Nailo in our colorful journey called life! We'll welcome you at Vivid Meadows!
Labels: Blogger Tools, Blogging, Work Life
Sunday, August 15, 2010

So guys, you may want to visit this magical blog of mine: MTGirl

Friday, August 13, 2010

Most of all, you can enjoy your freebies while exploring Palamantasan!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pisobilities: Wealth Within Your Reach
Sat. August 14, 2010, 2-5PM,Citystate Centre, Shaw Blvd. Orambo, Pasig City
Debts/Loans: Friend or Foe? How to maximize and grow out of....
Sat. August 21, 2010, 2-5PM, Citystate Centre, Shaw Blvd. Orambo, Pasig City
Investability: The Stock Market
Fri. August 27, 2010, 6-9PM, Training Room, PSE Tektite, Ortigas, Pasig City
To easily access and share information, add them on facebook:
To reserve your slot and for more information call 6373731 – 5779698 – 6373741 – 5774590.
I have attended their Pisobilities seminar before so for now, good luck on your journey to be wealthy!
Image source:
Labels: Personal Finance Management, Seminar
Monday, August 02, 2010

I used to have Shoutmix here but when Google disabled this blog, I placed the code on Spread the W.O.R.D. after tweaking the layout to blend with its theme. I wish to have only one account for all of the Shoutmixes on my blog, unfortunately, it is one blog per email only. A limitation that they can possibly work on. Well, hopefully... for everyone's convenience.
So guys, since we have a new tag board you may keep your words coming. Thanks!
Labels: Blogger Tools, Blogging
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Labels: Blogging
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Since someone posted here that this has been reported to Jobstreet already, I made a followup through email and I was happy to know that there's progress about this case. SEA-MARJ has updated their job posting so as not to mislead the applicants. Here's the response I have received:
Dear Liz,
Thank you for bringing this matter to us.
As per checking, some of the postings of the said company have indicated that there will be a training fee and this is only for those who are willing to apply. We have also discussed this with the company since last week, so that the jobseekers will not be mislead or misinformed.
Should you wish to not pursue your applications with them, you may apply to other advertisements in our website.
Take note, SOME. I'm hoping that ALL of their job postings will be updated, too.
Update as of 10:50PM, 30th of July 2010:
And as if wasn't enough, I got another email from them without any follow up. Nice. So proactive and cooperative.
We have already updated all the active Job postings of Sea-Marj, informing the Jobseekers that there will be a training fee should they will be interested to apply with the company. Please be aware also that we are coordinating with them as well regarding your concern.Possible that they have read my blog. Finally, EVERYTHING's in the right place. All ACTIVE JOB POSTINGS OF SEA-MARJ HAVE BEEN UPDATED. So guys, please be guided accordingly.
Labels: Jobs
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
July 26, 2010
Batasan Pambansa Complex
Quezon City
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte; Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile; Vice President Jejomar C. Binay; Chief Justice Renato Corona; Former Presidents Fidel Valdez Ramos and Joseph Ejercito Estrada; members of the House of Representatives and the Senate; distinguished members of the diplomatic corps; my fellow workers in government;
Mga minamahal kong kababayan:
Sa bawat sandali po ng pamamahala ay nahaharap tayo sa isang sangandaan.
Sa isang banda po ay ang pagpili para sa ikabubuti ng taumbayan. Ang pagtanaw sa interes ng nakakarami; at pagkapit sa prinsipyo; at ang pagiging tapat sa sinumpaan nating tungkulin bilang lingkod-bayan. Ito po ang tuwid na daan.
Sa kabilang banda ay ang pag-una sa pansariling interes. Ang pagpapaalipin sa pulitikal na konsiderasyon, at pagsasakripisyo ng kapakanan ng taumbayan. Ito po ang baluktot na daan.
Matagal pong naligaw ang pamahalaan sa daang baluktot. Araw-araw po, lalong lumilinaw sa akin ang lawak ng problemang ating namana. Damang-dama ko ang bigat ng aking responsibilidad.
Sa unang tatlong linggo ng aming panunungkulan, marami po kaming natuklasan. Nais ko pong ipahayag sa inyo ang iilan lamang sa mga namana nating suliranin at ang ginagawa naming hakbang para lutasin ang mga ito.
Sulyap lamang po ito; hindi pa ito ang lahat ng problemang haharapin natin. Inilihim at sadyang iniligaw ang sambayanan sa totoong kalagayan ng ating bansa.
Sa unang anim na buwan ng taon, mas malaki ang ginastos ng gobyerno kaysa sa pumasok na kita. Lalong lumaki ang deficit natin, na umakyat na sa 196.7 billion pesos. Sa target na kuleksyon, kinapos tayo ng 23.8 billion pesos; ang tinataya namang gastos, nalagpasan lang natin ng 45.1 billion pesos.
Ang budget po sa 2010 ay 1.54 trillion pesos.
Nasa isandaang bilyong piso o anim at kalahating porsyento na lang ng kabuuan ang malaya nating magagamit para sa nalalabing anim na buwan ng taong ito.
Halos isang porsyento na lang po ng kabuuang budget ang natitira para sa bawat buwan.
Saan naman po dinala ang pera?
Naglaan ng dalawang bilyong piso na Calamity Fund bilang paghahanda para sa mga kalamidad na hindi pa nangyayari. Napakaliit na nga ng pondong ito, ngunit kapapasok pa lang natin sa panahon ng baha at bagyo, 1.4 billion pesos o sitenta porsyento (70%) na ang nagastos.
Sa kabuuan ng 108 million pesos para sa lalawigan ng Pampanga, 105 million pesos nito ay napunta sa iisang distrito lamang.
Samantala, ang lalawigan ng Pangasinan na sinalanta ng Pepeng ay nakatanggap ng limang milyong piso (P5M) lamang para sa pinsalang idinulot ng bagyong Cosme, na nangyari noong 2008 pa.
Ibinigay po ang pondo ng Pampanga sa buwan ng eleksyon, pitong buwan pagkatapos ng Ondoy at Pepeng. Paano kung bumagyo bukas? Inubos na ang pondo nito para sa bagyong nangyari noong isang taon pa. Pagbabayaran ng kinabukasan ang kasakiman ng nakaraan.
Ganyan din po ang nangyari sa pondo ng MWSS. Kamakailan lamang, pumipila ang mga tao para lang makakuha ng tubig. Sa kabila nito, minabuti pa ng liderato ng MWSS na magbigay ng gantimpala sa sarili kahit hindi pa nababayaran ang pensyon ng mga retiradong empleyado.
Noong 2009, ang buong payroll ng MWSS ay 51.4 million pesos. Pero hindi lang naman po ito ang sahod nila; may mga additional allowances at benefits pa sila na aabot sa 160.1 million pesos.
Sa madaling sabi, nakatanggap sila ng 211.5 million pesos noong nakaraang taon.
Beinte-kuwatro porsyento (24%) lang nito ang normal na sahod, at sitenta’y sais porsyento ang dagdag.
Ang karaniwang manggagawa hanggang 13th month pay plus cash gift lang ang nakukuha.
Sa MWSS, aabot sa katumbas ng mahigit sa tatlumpung buwan ang sahod kasama na ang lahat ng mga bonuses at allowances na nakuha nila.
Mas matindi po ang natuklasan natin sa pasahod ng kanilang Board of Trustees. Tingnan po natin ang mga allowances na tinatanggap nila:
Umupo ka lang sa Board of Trustees at Board Committee meeting, katorse mil na. Aabot ng nobenta’y otso mil ito kada buwan. May grocery incentive pa sila na otsenta mil kada taon.
Hindi lang iyon: may mid-year bonus, productivity bonus, anniversary bonus, year-end bonus, at Financial Assistance. May Christmas bonus na, may Additional Christmas Package pa. Kada isa sa mga ito, nobenta’y otso mil.
Sa suma total po, aabot ang lahat ng dalawa’t kalahating milyong piso kada taon sa bawat miyembro ng Board maliban sa pakotse, technical assistance, at pautang. Uulitin ko po. Lahat ng ito ay ibinibigay nila sa kanilang mga sarili habang hindi pa nababayaran ang mga pensyon ng kanilang mga retirees.
Pati po ang La Mesa Watershed ay hindi nila pinatawad. Para magkaroon ng tamang supply ng tubig, kailangang alagaan ang mga watershed. Sa watershed, puno ang kailangan.
Pati po iyon na dapat puno ang nakatayo, tinayuan nila ng bahay para sa matataas na opisyal ng MWSS.
Hindi naman sila agad maaalis sa puwesto dahil kabilang sila sa mga Midnight Appointees ni dating Pangulong Arroyo.
Iniimbestigahan na natin ang lahat nang ito. Kung mayroon pa silang kahit kaunting hiya na natitira – sana kusa na lang silang magbitiw sa puwesto.
Pag-usapan naman po natin ang pondo para sa imprastruktura. Tumukoy ang DPWH ng dalawandaan apatnapu’t anim na priority safety projects na popondohan ng Motor Vehicle Users Charge. Mangangailangan po ito ng budget na 425 million pesos.
Ang pinondohan po, dalawampu’t walong proyekto lang. Kinalimutan po ang dalawandaan at labing walong proyekto at pinalitan ng pitumpung proyekto na wala naman sa plano. Ang hininging 425 million pesos, naging 480 million pesos pa, lumaki lalo dahil sa mga proyektong sa piling-piling mga benepisyaryo lang napunta.
Mga proyekto po itong walang saysay, hindi pinag-aralan at hindi pinaghandaan, kaya parang kabuteng sumusulpot.
Tapos na po ang panahon para dito. Sa administrasyon po natin, walang kota-kota, walang tongpats, ang pera ng taumbayan ay gagastusin para sa taumbayan lamang.
Meron pa po tayong natuklasan. Limang araw bago matapos ang termino ng nakaraang administrasyon, nagpautos silang maglabas ng 3.5 billion pesos para sa rehabilitasyon ng mga nasalanta nina Ondoy at Pepeng.
Walumpu’t anim na proyekto ang paglalaanan dapat nito na hindi na sana idadaan sa public bidding. Labingsiyam sa mga ito na nagkakahalaga ng 981 million pesos ang muntik nang makalusot. Hindi pa nailalabas ang Special Allotment Release Order ay pirmado na ang mga kontrata.
Buti na lang po ay natuklasan at pinigilan ito ni Secretary Rogelio Singson ng DPWH. Ngayon po ay dadaan na ang kabuuan ng 3.5 billion pesos sa tapat na bidding, at magagamit na ang pondo na ito sa pagbibigay ng lingap sa mga nawalan ng tahanan dahil kina Ondoy at Pepeng.
Pag-usapan naman natin ang nangyari sa NAPOCOR. Noong 2001 hanggang 2004, pinilit ng gobyerno ang NAPOCOR na magbenta ng kuryente nang palugi para hindi tumaas ang presyo. Tila ang dahilan: pinaghahandaan na nila ang eleksyon.
Dahil dito, noong 2004, sumagad ang pagkakabaon sa utang ng NAPOCOR. Napilitan ang pambansang gobyerno na sagutin ang dalawandaang bilyong pisong utang nito.
Ang inakala ng taumbayan na natipid nila sa kuryente ay binabayaran din natin mula sa kaban ng bayan. May gastos na tayo sa kuryente, binabayaran pa natin ang dagdag na pagkakautang ng gobyerno.
Kung naging matino ang pag-utang, sana’y nadagdagan ang ating kasiguruhan sa supply ng kuryente. Pero ang desisyon ay ibinatay sa maling pulitika, at hindi sa pangangailangan ng taumbayan. Ang taumbayan, matapos pinagsakripisyo ay lalo pang pinahihirapan.
Ganito rin po ang nangyari sa MRT. Sinubukan na namang bilhin ang ating pagmamahal. Pinilit ang operator na panatilihing mababa ang pamasahe.
Hindi tuloy nagampanan ang garantiyang ibinigay sa operator na mababawi nila ang kanilang puhunan. Dahil dito, inutusan ang Landbank at Development Bank of the Philippines na bilhin ang MRT.
Ang pera ng taumbayan, ipinagpalit sa isang naluluging operasyon.
Dumako naman po tayo sa pondo ng NFA.
Noong 2004: 117,000 metric tons ang pagkukulang ng supply ng Pilipinas. Ang binili nila, 900,000 metric tons. Kahit ulitin mo pa ng mahigit pitong beses ang pagkukulang, sobra pa rin ang binili nila.
Noong 2007: 589,000 metric tons ang pagkukulang ng supply sa Pilipinas. Ang binili nila, 1.827 million metric tons. Kahit ulitin mo pa ng mahigit tatlong beses ang pagkukulang, sobra na naman ang binili nila.
Ang masakit nito, dahil sobra-sobra ang binibili nila taun-taon, nabubulok lang pala sa mga kamalig ang bigas, kagaya ng nangyari noong 2008.
Hindi po ba krimen ito, na hinahayaan nilang mabulok ang bigas, sa kabila ng apat na milyong Pilipinong hindi kumakain ng tatlong beses sa isang araw?
Ang resulta nito, umabot na sa 171.6 billion pesos ang utang ng NFA noong Mayo ng taong ito.
Ang tinapon na ito, halos puwede na sanang pondohan ang mga sumusunod:
Ang budget ng buong Hudikatura, na 12.7 billion pesos sa taong ito.
Ang Conditional Cash Transfers para sa susunod na taon, na nagkakahalaga ng 29.6 billion pesos.
Ang lahat ng classroom na kailangan ng ating bansa, na nagkakahalaga ng 130 billion pesos.
Kasuklam-suklam ang kalakarang ito. Pera na, naging bato pa.
Narinig po ninyo kung paano nilustay ang kaban ng bayan. Ang malinaw po sa ngayon: ang anumang pagbabago ay magmumula sa pagsiguro natin na magwawakas na ang pagiging maluho at pagwawaldas.
Kaya nga po mula ngayon: ititigil na natin ang paglulustay sa salapi ng bayan.
Tatanggalin natin ang mga proyektong mali.
Ito po ang punto ng tinatawag nating zero-based approach sa ating budget. Ang naging kalakaran po, taun-taon ay inuulit lamang ang budget na puno ng tagas. Dadagdagan lang nang konti, puwede na.
Sa susunod na buwan ay maghahain tayo ng budget na kumikilala nang tama sa mga problema, at magtutuon din ng pansin sa tamang solusyon.
Ilan lang ito sa mga natuklasan nating problema. Heto naman po ang ilang halimbawa ng mga hakbang na ginagawa natin.
Nandiyan po ang kaso ng isang may-ari ng sanglaan. Bumili siya ng sasakyang tinatayang nasa dalawampu’t anim na milyong piso ang halaga.
Kung kaya mong bumili ng Lamborghini, bakit hindi mo kayang magbayad ng buwis?
Nasampahan na po ito ng kaso. Sa pangunguna nina Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, BIR Commissioner Kim Henares at Customs Commissioner Lito Alvarez, bawat linggo po ay may bago tayong kasong isinasampa kontra sa mga smuggler at sa mga hindi nagbabayad ng tamang buwis.
Natukoy na rin po ang salarin sa mga kaso nina Francisco Baldomero, Jose Daguio at Miguel Belen, tatlo sa anim na insidente ng extralegal killings mula nang umupo tayo.
Singkuwenta porsyento po ng mga insidente ng extralegal killings na nangyari sa maikling taon ng ating panunungkulan ang patungo na sa kanilang resolusyon.
Ang natitira pong kalahati ay hindi natin tatantanan ang pag-usig hanggang makamit ang katarungan.
Pananagutin natin ang mga mamamatay-tao. Pananagutin din natin ang mga corrupt sa gobyerno.
Nagsimula nang mabuo ang ating Truth Commission, sa pangunguna ni dating Chief Justice Hilario Davide. Hahanapin natin ang katotohanan sa mga nangyari diumanong katiwalian noong nakaraang siyam na taon.
Sa loob ng linggong ito, pipirmahan ko ang kauna-unahang Executive Order na nagtatalaga sa pagbuo nitong Truth Commission.
Kung ang sagot sa kawalan ng katarungan ay pananagutan, ang sagot naman sa kakulangan natin sa pondo ay mga makabago at malikhaing paraan para tugunan ang mga pagkatagal-tagal nang problema.
Napakarami po ng ating pangangailangan: mula sa edukasyon, imprastruktura, pangkalusugan, pangangailangan ng militar at kapulisan, at marami pang iba. Hindi kakasya ang pondo para mapunan ang lahat ng ito.
Kahit gaano po kalaki ang kakulangan para mapunuan ang mga listahan ng ating pangangailangan, ganado pa rin ako dahil marami nang nagpakita ng panibagong interes at kumpyansa sa Pilipinas.
Ito ang magiging solusyon: mga Public-Private Partnerships. Kahit wala pa pong pirmahang nangyayari dito, masasabi kong maganda ang magiging bunga ng maraming usapin (ukol ditto).
May mga nagpakita na po ng interes, gustong magtayo ng expressway na mula Maynila, tatahak ng Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, hanggang sa dulo ng Cagayan Valley nang hindi gugugol ang estado kahit na po piso.
Sa larangan ng ating Sandatahang Lakas:
Mayroon po tayong 36,000 nautical miles na baybayin. Ang mayroon lamang tayo: tatlumpu’t dalawang barko. Itong mga barkong ito, panahon pa ni General MacArthur.
May nagmungkahi sa atin, ito ang proposisyon: uupahan po nila ang headquarters ng Navy sa Roxas Boulevard at ang Naval Station sa Fort Bonifacio.
Sagot po nila ang paglipat ng Navy Headquarters sa Camp Aguinaldo. Agaran, bibigyan tayo ng isandaang milyong dolyar. At dagdag pa sa lahat nang iyan, magsusubi pa sila sa atin ng kita mula sa mga negosyong itatayo nila sa uupahan nilang lupa.
Sa madali pong sabi: Makukuha natin ang kailangan natin, hindi tatayo gagastos, kikita pa tayo.
Marami na pong nag-alok at nagmungkahi sa atin, mula lokal hanggang dayuhang negosyante, na magpuno ng iba’t ibang pangangailangan.
Mula sa mga public-private partnerships na ito, lalago ang ating ekonomiya, at bawat Pilipino makikinabang. Napakaraming sektor na matutulungan nito.
Maipapatayo na po ang imprastrukturang kailangan natin para palaguin ang turismo.
Sa agrikultura, makapagtatayo na tayo ng mga grains terminals, refrigeration facilities, maayos na road networks at post-harvest facilities.
Kung maisasaayos natin ang ating food supply chain sa tulong ng pribadong sektor, sa halip na mag-angkat tayo ay maari na sana tayong mangarap na mag-supply sa pandaigdigang merkado.
Kung maitatayo ang minumungkahi sa ating mga railway system, bababa ang presyo ng bilihin. Mas mura, mas mabilis, mas maginhawa, at makakaiwas pa sa kotong cops at mga kumokotong na rebelde ang mga bumibiyahe.
Paalala lang po: una sa ating plataporma ang paglikha ng mga trabaho, at nanggagaling ang trabaho sa paglago ng industriya. Lalago lamang ang industriya kung gagawin nating mas malinis, mas mabilis, at mas maginhawa ang proseso para sa mga gustong magnegosyo.
Pabibilisin natin ang proseso ng mga proyektong sumasailalim sa Build-Operate-Transfer. Sa tulong ng lahat ng sangay ng gobyerno at ng mga mamamayan, pabababain natin sa anim na buwan ang proseso na noon ay inaabot ng taon kung hindi dekada.
May mga hakbang na rin pong sinisimulan ang DTI, sa pamumuno ni Secretary Gregory Domingo:
Ang walang-katapusang pabalik-balik sa proseso ng pagrehistro ng pangalan ng kumpanya, na kada dalaw ay umaabot ng apat hanggang walong oras, ibababa na natin sa labinlimang minuto.
Ang dating listahan ng tatlumpu’t anim na dokumento, ibababa natin sa anim. Ang dating walong pahinang application form, ibababa natin sa isang pahina.
Nananawagan ako sa ating mga LGUs. Habang naghahanap tayo ng paraan para gawing mas mabilis ang pagbubukas ng mga negosyo, pag-aralan din sana nila ang kanilang mga proseso. Kailangan itong gawing mas mabilis, at kailangan itong itugma sa mga sinisumulan nating reporma.
Negosyante, sundalo, rebelde, at karaniwang Pilipino, lahat po makikinabang dito. Basta po hindi dehado ang Pilipino, papasukin po natin lahat iyan.
Kailangan na po nating simulan ang pagtutulungan para makamit ito. Huwag nating pahirapan ang isa’t isa.
Parating na po ang panahon na hindi na natin kailangang mamili sa pagitan ng seguridad ng ating mamamayan o sa kinabukasan ng inyong mga anak.
Oras na maipatupad ang public-private partnerships na ito, mapopondohan ang mga serbisyong panlipunan, alinsunod sa ating plataporma.
Magkakapondo na po para maipatupad ang mga plano natin sa edukasyon.
Mapapalawak natin ang basic education cycle mula sa napakaikling sampung taon tungo sa global standard na labindalawang taon.
Madadagdagan natin ang mga classroom. Mapopondohan natin ang service contracting sa ilalim ng GASTPE.
Pati ang conditional cash transfers, na magbabawas ng pabigat sa bulsa ng mga pamilya, madadagdan na rin ng pondo.
Maipapatupad ang plano natin sa PhilHealth.
Una, tutukuyin natin ang tunay na bilang ng mga nangangailangan nito. Sa ngayon, hindi magkakatugma ang datos. Sabi ng PhilHealth sa isang bibig, walumpu’t pitong porsyento na raw ang merong coverage. Sa kabilang bibig naman, singkuwenta’y tres porsyento. Ayon naman sa National Statistics Office, tatlumpu’t walong porsyento ang may coverage.
Ngayon pa lang, kumikilos na si Secretary Dinky Soliman at ang DSWD upang ipatupad ang National Household Targetting System, na magtutukoy sa mga pamilyang higit na nagangailangan ng tulong. Tinatayang siyam na bilyon ang kailangan para mabigyan ng PhilHealth ang limang milyong pinakamaralitang pamilyang Pilipino.
Napakaganda po ng hinaharap natin. Kasama na po natin ang pribadong sektor, at kasama na rin natin ang League of Provinces, sa pangunguna nina Governor Alfonso Umali kasama sina Governor L-Ray Villafuerte at Governor Icot Petilla. Handa na pong makipagtulungan para makibahagi sa pagtustos ng mga gastusin. Alam ko rin pong hindi magpapahuli ang League of Cities sa pangunguna ni Mayor Oscar Rodriguez.
Kung ang mga gobyernong lokal ay nakikiramay na sa ating mga adhikain, ang Kongreso namang pinanggalingan ko, siguro naman maasahan ko din.
Nagpakitang-gilas na po ang gabinete sa pagtukoy ng ating mga problema at sa paglulunsad ng mga solusyon sa loob lamang ng tatlong linggo.
Nang bagyo pong Basyang, ang sabi sa atin ng mga may prangkisa sa kuryente, apat na araw na walang kuryente. Dahil sa mabilis na pagkilos ni Secretary Rene Almendras at ng Department of Energy, naibalik ang kuryente sa halos lahat sa loob lamang ng beinte-kwatro oras.
Ito pong sinasabing kakulangan sa tubig sa Metro Manila, kinilusan agad ni Secretary Rogelio Singson at ng DPWH. Hindi na siya naghintay ng utos, kaya nabawasan ang perwisyo.
Nakita na rin natin ang gilas ng mga hinirang nating makatulong sa Gabinete. Makatuwiran naman po sigurong umasa na hindi na sila padadaanin sa butas ng karayom para makumpirma ng Commission on Appointments. Kung mangyayari po ito, marami pa sa mga mahuhusay na Pilipino ang maeengganyong magsilbi sa gobyerno.
Sa lalong madaling panahon po, uupo na tayo sa LEDAC at pag-uusapan ang mga mahahalagang batas na kailangan nating ipasa. Makakaasa kayo na mananatiling bukas ang aking isipan, at ang ating ugnayan ay mananatiling tapat.
Isinusulong po natin ang Fiscal Responsibility Bill, kung saan hindi tayo magpapasa ng batas na mangangailangan ng pondo kung hindi pa natukoy ang panggagalingan nito. May 104.1 billion pesos tayong kailangan para pondohan ang mga batas na naipasa na, ngunit hindi maipatupad.
Kailangan din nating isaayos ang mga insentibong piskal na ibinigay noong nakaraan. Ngayong naghihigpit tayo ng sinturon, kailangang balikan kung alin sa mga ito ang dapat manatili at kung ano ang dapat nang itigil.
Huwag po tayong pumayag na magkaroon ng isa pang NBN-ZTE. Sa lokal man o dayuhan manggagaling ang pondo, dapat dumaan ito sa tamang proseso. Hinihingi ko po ang tulong ninyo upang amiyendahan ang ating Procurement Law.
Ayon po sa Saligang Batas, tungkulin ng estado ang siguruhing walang lamangan sa merkado. Bawal ang monopolya, bawal ang mga cartel na sasakal sa kumpetisyon. Kailangan po natin ng isang Anti-Trust Law na magbibigay-buhay sa mga prinsipyong ito. Ito ang magbibigay ng pagkakataon sa mga Small- at Medium-scale Enterprises na makilahok at tumulong sa paglago ng ating ekonomiya.
Ipasa na po natin ang National Land Use Bill.
Una rin pong naging batas ng Commonwealth ang National Defense Act, na ipinasa noon pang 1935. Kailangan nang palitan ito ng batas na tutugon sa pangangailangan ng pambansang seguridad sa kasalukuyan.
Nakikiusap po akong isulong ang Whistleblower’s Bill upang patuloy nang iwaksi ang kultura ng takot at pananahimik.
Palalakasin pa lalo ang Witness Protection Program. Alalahanin po natin na noong taong 2009 hanggang 2010, may nahatulan sa 95% ng mga kaso kung saan may witness na sumailalim sa programang ito.
Kailangang repasuhin ang ating mga batas. Nanawagan po akong umpisahan na ang rekodipikasyon ng ating mga batas, upang siguruhing magkakatugma sila at hindi salu-salungat.
Ito pong mga batas na ito ang batayan ng kaayusan, ngunit ang pundasyon ng lahat ng ginagawa natin ay ang prinsipyong wala tayong mararating kung walang kapayapaan at katahimikan.
Dalawa ang hinaharap nating suliranin sa usapin ng kapayapaan: ang situwasyon sa Mindanao, at ang patuloy na pag-aaklas ng CPP-NPA-NDF.
Tungkol sa situwasyon sa Mindanao: Hindi po nagbabago ang ating pananaw. Mararating lamang ang kapayapaan at katahimikan kung mag-uusap ang lahat ng apektado: Moro, Lumad, at Kristiyano. Inatasan na natin si Dean Marvic Leonen na mangasiwa sa ginagawa nating pakikipag-usap sa MILF.
Iiwasan natin ang mga pagkakamaling nangyari sa nakaraang administrasyon, kung saan binulaga na lang ang mga mamamayan ng Mindanao. Hindi tayo puwedeng magbulag-bulagan sa mga dudang may kulay ng pulitika ang proseso, at hindi ang kapakanan ng taumbayan ang tanging interes.
Kinikilala natin ang mga hakbang na ginagawa ng MILF sa pamamagitan ng pagdidisplina sa kanilang hanay. Inaasahan natin na muling magsisimula ang negosasyon pagkatapos ng Ramadan.
Tungkol naman po sa CPP-NPA-NDF: handa na ba kayong maglaan ng kongkretong mungkahi, sa halip na pawang batikos lamang?
Kung kapayapaan din ang hangad ninyo, handa po kami sa malawakang tigil-putukan. Kayo po ba ay handa na din? Mag-usap tayo.
Mahirap magsimula ang usapan habang mayroon pang amoy ng pulbura sa hangin. Nananawagan ako: huwag po natin hayaang masayang ang napakagandang pagkakataong ito upang magtipon sa ilalim ng iisang adhikain.
Kapayapaan at katahimikan po ang pundasyon ng kaunlaran. Habang nagpapatuloy ang barilan, patuloy din ang pagkakagapos natin sa kahirapan.
Dapat din po nating mabatid: ito ay panahon ng sakripisyo. At ang sakripisyong ito ay magiging puhunan para sa ating kinabukasan. Kaakibat ng ating mga karapatan at kalayaan ay ang tungkulin natin sa kapwa at sa bayan.
Inaasahan ko po ang ating mga kaibigan sa media, lalo na sa radyo at sa print, sa mga nagbablock-time, at sa community newspapers, kayo na po mismo ang magbantay sa inyong hanay.
Mabigyang-buhay sana ang mga batayang prinsipyo ng inyong bokasyon: ang magbigay-linaw sa mahahalagang isyu; ang maging patas at makatotohanan, at ang itaas ang antas ng pampublikong diskurso.
Tungkulin po ng bawat Pilipino na tutukan ang mga pinunong tayo rin naman ang nagluklok sa puwesto. Humakbang mula sa pakikialam tungo sa pakikilahok. Dahil ang nakikialam, walang-hanggan ang reklamo.
Ang nakikilahok, nakikibahagi sa solusyon.
Napakatagal na pong namamayani ang pananaw na ang susi sa asenso ay ang intindihin ang sarili kaysa intindihin ang kapwa. Malinaw po sa akin: paano tayo aasenso habang nilalamangan ang kapwa?
Ang hindi nabigyan ng pagkakataong mag-aral, paanong makakakuha ng trabaho? Kung walang trabaho, paanong magiging konsumer? Paanong mag-iimpok sa bangko?
Ngunit kung babaliktarin natin ang pananaw-kung iisipin nating “Dadagdagan ko ang kakayahan ng aking kapwa”-magbubunga po ito, at ang lahat ay magkakaroon ng pagkakataon.
Maganda na po ang nasimulan natin. At mas lalong maganda po ang mararating natin. Ngunit huwag nating kalimutan na mayroong mga nagnanasang hindi tayo magtagumpay. Dahil kapag hindi tayo
nagtagumpay, makakabalik na naman sila sa kapangyarihan, at sa pagsasamantala sa taumbayan.
Akin pong paniwala na Diyos at taumbayan ang nagdala sa ating kinalalagyan ngayon. Habang nakatutok tayo sa kapakanan ng ating kapwa, bendisyon at patnubay ay tiyak na maaasahan natin sa Poong Maykapal. At kapag nanalig tayo na ang kasangga natin ay ang Diyos, mayroon ba tayong hindi kakayanin?
Ang mandato nating nakuha sa huling eleksyon ay patunay na umaasa pa rin ang Pilipino sa pagbabago. Iba na talaga ang situwasyon. Puwede na muling mangarap. Tayo nang tumungo sa katuparan ng ating mga pinangarap.
Maraming salamat po.